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respiro e pranayama

We will develop awareness of breathing and explore its hidden side, its pranic soul.

​In-depth on Kundalini and Centers of Consciousness


The secrets of breathing

5/7 July

from Friday 5.30pm to Sunday 2.30pm

We dedicate ourselves to breathing in a special summer retreat: intensive immersion in breathing and pranayama techniques.

Since its origins, yoga recognised breath to be the ideal tool for creating connections between body, mind and emotions as well as for coming into contact with the energetic dimension of the human being.  By conscious breathing it is possible to slow down the chaotic movements of the mind, manage emotions, optimize our energy level, create a stable internal center of gravity and generate positivity, equanimity and clear vision.

During the retreat there will also be asana practice, meditation and a theoretical study on subtle physiology entitled Kundalini and Centers of Consciousness.



A special Summer retreat: practice of asanas, a regenerating dip into pranayma techniques and a lecture on Kundalini and chakras

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